Scott Kay's Stack of Bibles
I had the pleasure of hanging out with Scott Kay while I was in Georgia back in July, and now he's sent in a photo of his stack of Bibles. It turns out we have the same two Nelson Signatures -- a black KJV and a tan NKJV. This inspires me to dig them out and write a piece about them. Here's an annotated run-down of what's in Scott's photo:ESV Compact Thinline in burgundy bonded leather - for various pastoral duties
NKJV Pocket Bible in burgundy bonded leather - for various pastoral duties (retired - it got rained on on a hiking trip)
KJV Cambridge Pitt Minion in brown Berkshire leather - given to me in 1987 and used throughout college to carry to class and on evangelism outreach events
KJV Cambridge Cameo in black Calfskin - exactly matches the layout of my wide-margin below, but with out the wide margins.
UBS4 Greek New Testament in tan Calfskin - I had this bound by and it looks, feels, and uses great!
NKJV Nelson Signature Series Thinline in tan Calfskin - this is my everyday use and pulpit Bible.
KJV Nelson Signature Series Thinline in black Calfskin - I used this for everyday and preaching before I got the NKJV Nelson.
KJV Cambridge Wide Margin in Berkshire leather - this is the original cover from 1985 which I have had re-attached 3 or 4 times (and it has separated again). This was my everyday use and preaching Bible from 1985 to 2005. Tons of notes in the margins.
NASB Thinline in black bonded leather - this was a gift at Seminary graduation from Lockman
NASB Wide Margin in black bonded leather.
ESV Single Column Reference in black premium Calfskin leather - a kind gift from a friend in 2007, which I am using increasingly for daily and pulpit use.
Thanks for sharing, Scott!

J. Mark Bertrand is a novelist and pastor whose writing on Bible design has helped spark a publishing revolution. Mark is the author of Rethinking Worldview: Learning to Think, Live, and Speak in This World (Crossway, 2007), as well as the novels Back on Murder, Pattern of Wounds, and Nothing to Hide—described as a “series worth getting attached to” (Christianity Today) by “a major crime fiction talent” (Weekly Standard) in the vein of Michael Connelly, Ian Rankin, and Henning Mankell.
Mark has a BA in English Literature from Union University, an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Houston, and an M.Div. from Heidelberg Theological Seminary. Through his influential Bible Design Blog, Mark has championed a new generation of readable Bibles. He is a founding member of the steering committee of the Society of Bible Craftsmanship, and chairs the Society’s Award Committee. His work was featured in the November 2021 issue of FaithLife’s Bible Study Magazine.
Mark also serves on the board of Worldview Academy, where he has been a member of the faculty of theology since 2003. Since 2017, he has been an ordained teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church in America. He and his wife Laurie life in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.