I’d like to offer a special welcome to everyone involved in the design, manufacture, publication and marketing of the Bible. I’m grateful to you for visiting the site, and hope that what you read here will be useful and encouraging. Bible Design Blog wouldn’t exist if not for the generosity of industry professionals who’ve offered insight, background, tips on future editions, and review copies of existing ones. Thank you! You can contact me at mark@lectio.org.


My goal with the blog is to cover as much ground as possible, spotlighting quality binding and innovative design across the spectrum. I’m interested in every translation and formats at every price range, provided they illuminate one of those two interests. To provide review copies, please get in touch.


One of the things I try to keep readers informed about is what’s in the pipeline. If you have information that would be of interest to Bible readers, I’d be happy to pass it along.


Perhaps the biggest complaint I hear about the way quality Bibles are marketed is that there aren’t enough good photos. I share that frustration. The marketplace for high-end editions is increasingly online, which means that nice photos of the printed box the Bible comes in just don’t cut it. People want to see the product, and they want to see it in action. What I’ve attempted to do on Bible Design Blog is find ways to photograph Bibles that suggest how they might feel in the hand.

If you like the results, and you want to use some of my photographs in promoting an edition I’ve reviewed, please get in touch.


I’ve gotten a few inquiries about consulting or providing feedback on future projects, something I’m always happy to do when I have time. My judgment, such as it is, is always at your disposal. If you’d like to bounce something off of me, please do.